Thursday, March 22, 2007

What a great day!

No, really. For once, I'm being sincere. How has my day been great? Let me count the ways:
  1. Music sales, especially CD sales plunge Take that, RIAA! Your demise is imminent!
  2. News Corp and NBC announce plans for YouTube clone File this under "We're a bit late to the party" and "We don't get this community-driven thing... this service will work, right?"
  3. University of Nebraska asks RIAA to pay its processing fees Take that, RIAA! Although they did ask rather politely, don't you think?
  4. Child Online Protection Act struck down No censorship in the guise of anti-porn filters! Yay!
  5. EFF sues Viacom over DMCA YouTube request The EFF, always fighting the good fight.
  6. It's California weather in DC... time to go outside!

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