Friday, March 09, 2007

TIA is back with a new name (suprise!)

Be afraid. Be very afraid. TIA never went away, of course, when congress banned it in 2003. It simply got its name changed. Now it is known as ADVISE -- Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement. Nice doublespeak name. Infowars says it best:

"Shortly after the announcement of TIA, the Pentagon backtracked and told us that TIA was shutting down, but the tools are there waiting to be used, They'll just rename it and start it up again at any given time. The Tools of TIA include "LifeLog" which is described as "a multimedia, digital record of everywhere you go and everything you see, hear, read, say and touch". Another tool is the MATRIX database, A federally funded crime database run by multiple states at once.


The National Journal reported that the program is now accessed by, among others: the NSA, the CIA, DIA, CENTCOM, the National Counterterorrism Center, the Guantanamo prison, and Special Operations Command (SOCOM)... Big Brother is most definitely still watching. Enjoy watching your tax dollars at work watching you."

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