Thursday, December 14, 2006

This administration and science do not mix

You know something is going wrong when ten thousand researchers (including, by the way, 52 Nobel Laureates) in one country shed light on an issue. That issue is the current administration's manipulation and misrepresentation of scientific findings in order to forward their policy initiatives. The arrogance that Bush and his cronies exhibit is nothing short of appalling -- they believe that science is just another puppet in their show than can be toyed with as they see fit. Who can forget, for example the attempt of Bush's right hand man at NASA to insert the word "theory" before every mention of the Big Bang?

The administration has demoted the authority of science such that it has virtually no relevance in major policy decisions anymore. Not only that, but it appears that Bush is attempting eradicate the influence of science wherever he can find it, not just in Washington. His advocacy of teaching intelligent design alongside evolution in schools is testament to this shameful state of affairs. Thankfully, the Union of Concerned Scientists have created a helpful little table to help us recognize the administration's often not-too-subtle interference in science's role of informing the public and government.

Hopefully, things will change soon.

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