Thursday, December 14, 2006

Embrace fanatacism, score five points!

Christian evangelists are employing a new tactic in their never-ending quest to brainwash society's youth -- video games. Left Behind: Eternal Forces, is a game in which you have the objective of either converting or killing non-believers. The game also has a number of other delightful features:

Players can command the army of good - the Tribulation Force - against the anti-Christ's Global Community... When players successfully complete a level of the real-time strategy game, "you get a vignette that has some kind of Biblical truth and a find-out-more button", he says.

That leads players to a website where they can discuss issues, say a prayer and "become a believer", Mr Frichner [one of the game's creators] says.

Some rational people are criticizing the message of the game which they say encourages dehumanization of all non-evangelical Christians. The co-founder of the games' production company, has a different take on things:
The game's makers reject criticism, saying their detractors "have a clear hatred of Biblical Christianity".

To add to the madness, some pastors are even recommending the game, which is based on a series of best-selling books, to their congregation. I'm scared, are you?

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