Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The military is now your personal accountant

It seems that the New York Times has revealed that the Pentagon has been doing a little peeking into the financial records of Americans. What makes this so troubling is that the military usually keeps out of cracking down on domestic activities, and focuses on important things abroad like instigating civil wars in Iraq. As Ars Technica points out, the CIA and the Pentagon have been requesting financial records of Americans from financial institutions and then feeding them into TALON, the data-mining anti-terrorist program. This makes all of us red-blooded Americans feel a bit safer, knowing that a computer program, which has the vast potential to register false positives, is now charged with labeling you a terrorist threat. Awesome. Not only that, but we get the peace of mind that comes along with the military and the CIA investigating us. I feel safe, because they never screw up.

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