Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not really terrorists, but not really citizens, either.

Are you a "specially designated national?" That's doublespeak for "kinda a terrorist." If you are, you've been placed on a government watchlist. This list is doubly asinine because business owners have access to it and are required by law to not do any business with anyone on it.

Three comments about this ridiculous, freedom-compromising list:
  • Now we can all strike back against terrorists by making sure they don't purchase that washing machine and toaster at Costco!
  • Of course, no innocents would be on this list and be getting confused with the bad guys... would they?
  • Kind of creates an odd situation between owner and customer, doesn't it: "Sir, I can't sell this to you because your name is similar to a terrorist in Iran's. Sorry about that unfortunate coincidence. If it's any help, the police will be here shortly to interrogate you."

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